1. The first learner profile i choose to talk about is risk-taking, not because its the easies to understand but because you can apply risk-taking to a lot of situations. Risk-taking is when a person steps up his game and tries to solve/do/succeed in something which isn't very familiar to him. You can apply risk-taking to math. For example if there is an odd and hard problem on the bored to be a risk-taker you (logically) have to take a risk and stand up in front of that class just do it. One thing I'v found out through out the years is that teachers like students who are risk-takers and can take matters into their own hands.
2. The second learner profile i choose is caring, which to me is one of the most important learner profiles because, first you won't be good and would offend a lot of people with out this trade, second you wouldn't go far in life, and third its much easier to be mean, thats why you have to show some class and just be as caring and gentle as possible.
3. The third learner profile i choose is being reflective. This is especially useful in my years when your in school and have to reflect over your work or classmates. But now when I'm starting to grown and understand more things in life, i also understand that reflective is a profile choose to look at your self and see what you do like of your present state and what you don't and that's how you make changes to become a better man, student, father/mother.